New Ideas for an E-commerce Business

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New ideas for upgraded engines of growth. In order for an E-commerce website to grow, it needs new and fresh ideas that will give the E-commerce business fresh breath, new perspectives and much-needed impetus to even out hurdles and eventually succeed.

Trends, business scenarios, products, markets and customers keep changing and this necessitates change in digital marketing planning and outreach. You have to keep watching out for new strategies and ideas employed or published by various businesses and marketers to adopt and implement in your digital marketing strategy so that your ecommerce marketing gets a facelift and new energy.

You can use new ideas for marketing outreach, formulating media planning strategy, content writing, content distribution and marketing outreach. Let us see some of the points and learn how we can use better and new ideas for your ecommerce website business promotion. To buy a website, consult with Blurn, SEO Sevices.

Joint Promotion of Brands

You can plan a joint promotion of brands that have very good market reputation and authority. With such a joint promotion of established brands, your target audience will be able to readily recognise those popular brands and they interact with your promotions and ads without hesitation. Get the best digital marketing packages at 

Joint Promotion of Categories

Think of jointly promoting related categories and bring down the cost of your digital marketing  promotion. For example, all food related products can be promoted through those multiple categories like grocery, tinned food, dairy products, meat and allied products, fruits and vegetables, nuts and dry fruits, health drinks, organic food products, health supplements,  desserts and ice creams, cakes and snacks, packed and unpacked homemade chocolates, etc., collectively so that your promotion appeals to a wide range of audience. As a result, you will get better interaction and action on your brand mentions and web links.

Downloadable, Virtual & Gifting Products

You can promote downloadable, virtual and gifting products on your eCommerce website so that you can increase revenues from your website by appealing to a larger audience. Your regular and existing customers do not have to go to other websites to buy these types of products when they are made available on your eCommerce website.

Local Market Targeting

E-commerce website promotion does not necessarily be global or national. You can even concentrate on specific pockets in your own city or town intensely to get a good number of customers to your website and successfully create a strong brand presence among your local population. This can make you emerge as a strong local place e-commerce website.

Moreover, local digital marketing and promotion do not cost you the moon. You may start with a few territories and add territories as you become successful in each of these territories.

Loyalty Programs

Loyalty and reward programs help you sustain customers and help you get more customers through referrals. You should always try to recognize and reward those customers who make higher numbers and volumes of purchases so that they will feel privileged and support your brand for a long term and become loyal customers. Moreover loyalty programs enable your customers to come back to your website to get more and more savings on their upcoming and future purchases and orders. Major advantages of loyalty and reward programs are they convert one time and short term customers into loyal and long term or lifetime customers.

Referral Programs

Referral Programs can be effectively used to get new customers through your own customers by rewarding the referrers handsomely.

Bundle Offers & Packages

In order to increase your revenues multifold, you can introduce and promote bundle offers and packages. These bundle offers and packages with more than one item like a set of electronic gadgets, set of home electronics products, grocery family kit, clothing set, home interior solutions, do-it-yourself tools, home furniture set., etc., will bring in more revenues even with a limited number of customers and orders.

Product Tie-ins

You can associate with allied products from other sellers so that both can mutually gain. Every time you sell, your associate’s products are getting sold, and vice versa. This arrangement will increase your revenues and bottomline. Get good associates whose brand name and products have good market receptivity and market response.

Corporate Tie-ups

You can have Corporate Tie-ups with companies, offices, institutions and business houses so that your products are bought in bulk quantities by their management and their employees, suppliers and customers which will increase your revenues multi fold. Corporate Tie-ups will earn you the credibility of those brands and you will have a steady income flow with more and more Corporate Tie-ups with a regular stream of customers and orders for long term.


New ideas make new ways and give new business opportunities for entrepreneurs. When you look at business models of your competitors and other trades even non related to your business, you will get ideas and insight. That will help you with new ideas and business model formulations. You can learn more about e-commerce marketing techniques, tactics and ideas from the vast resource pool of information available on the internet written, discussed and researched and figure out far better ideas, tactics and techniques to promote your Ecommerce website in a more effective way.

Every business idea means a ton of opportunities. Every opportunity offers a pool of revenues. As a digital marketing strategist, implementer and campaign manager, you have to see every idea and opportunity and implement it in a way that benefits your business in a number of ways. They can be cost reduction, marketing automation, increasing sales volumes, instant brand reach, breaking marketing clutter, effective audience targeting, new methods and techniques at each stage of marketing, upselling and cross selling, affiliate marketing, technology update or upgradation, customer identification and segmentation, etc. Use ideas and opportunities wisely and win handsomely.