Asbestos Inspection Checklist: How to Protect Yourself and Your Family?

Asbestos exposure can cause serious, life-threatening diseases, including mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis. An Melbourne asbestos inspection can help you determine whether or not your home contains asbestos insulation or other products that could cause exposure to airborne asbestos fibers in your home.

 Here are some things to look out for during an inspection of your house that could mean there is asbestos present in the walls and ceiling areas of your home.

Why Hire a Professional?

Hiring a professional is the best way to protect yourself from exposure. If you are not sure what signs of asbestos look like, or if you have any doubts about the safety of an area, trust your instincts and call a professional for an inspection.

 The earlier you know about any dangerous conditions in your home, the better! A lot can happen between the time you identify asbestos and when it’s finally removed. Most people spend at least 8 hours per day in their homes, so finding out sooner rather than later could save lives.

-Professional inspectors will come equipped with protective equipment (which they will provide) that includes masks and gloves to keep them safe while inspecting your house.

They will also be trained to recognize any warning signs of asbestos, and how to test for it. They will take samples from suspected areas and bring them back to their lab for testing.

Melbourne asbestos inspection

Things to look for in an asbestos inspector

  1. They should be certified by an accredited organisation.
  2. They should be state licensed.
  3. They should not have any financial ties to asbestos removal contractors or other parties with a vested interest in the inspection outcome.
  4. They should not be affiliated with any construction company that may have introduced the asbestos into your home or building site.
  5. They should provide you with an unbiased written report including photographs of every area inspected.
  6. The inspector should also offer advice on how best to reduce exposure from the materials they found during their inspection, whether they need to be removed or left alone.

There are many ways you can protect your family from asbestos. The main thing is to educate yourself about the dangers of asbestos, including what it looks like, where it might be found in your home, how you can get exposed to it, and what the health impacts are, and that’s why it is essential to have Melbourne asbestos inspection.


Exposure to asbestos can cause cancer, lung scarring, or mesothelioma. It is important that you take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your family.

There are many areas of your home that may contain asbestos material such as insulation, fireproofing, textured paints, pipe joint compound, floor tiles adhesives. The best way to prevent exposure is through an inspection by a certified inspector who will use a polarised light microscope with an attached digital camera for further analysis.