5 Psychological Reasons for Poor Custody Decisions and How to Avoid Them

Family Lawyers

Custody decisions are some of the most important a parent can make, but they’re also some of the most difficult. To make the best decision for your family, it’s important to understand the psychological factors influencing your decision-making process. Here are five of the most common psychological reasons for making poor custody decisions and how to avoid them.

Inadequate Psychology of Parent-Child Interactions Knowledge Base

One of the most common psychological reasons for poor custody decisions is a lack of knowledge about parent-child interactions. Most often, people who fight for custody do so because they are consumed with their own needs and forget about the needs of their children. This is often due to a lack of understanding of a custody battle’s psychological effects on a child. If you’re fighting for custody, it’s important to be aware of these effects and to have a clear understanding of what’s best for your child.

Family Lawyers Melbourne

Children Shouldn’t Have to Decide

It’s often said that children are the innocent victims of a divorce. Children should never be forced to make decisions about their parents. One of the most important things you can do as a parent is to avoid putting your children in the middle of your custody dispute. This means not asking them to choose between you and your ex-partner, not asking them to relay messages or take sides, and not using them as pawns in your custody battle.

Emotional Baggage Affects Your Decision

It’s not only important to be aware of your emotional baggage but also the baggage of your soon-to-be-ex. Too often, people make decisions based on their own emotions instead of what would be best for their child. If either party is carrying a lot of emotional baggage, it’s important to get that out in the open and deal with it before making any custody decisions. It’s also important to have a healthy support network during this time—friends and family who will be unbiased and help you make the best decision for your child.

Erroneous Projections

Custody decisions are often based on erroneous projections about what will happen in the future. In order to avoid making erroneous projections, it’s important to have accurate information about the other parent and their ability to care for the child. This can be gathered through conversations with friends and family and court filings, and other official documents. If there is any doubt, it’s best to seek legal counsel from Best Family Lawyers Melbourne wide who can help you make the best decision for your child.

Refusing to Cooperate With the Other Parent

One of the most common psychological reasons for making poor custody decisions is refusing to cooperate with the other parent. However, it’s important to remember that your child’s welfare should always be your top priority. If you’re struggling to put your child’s best interests first, it might be helpful to seek professional help. A qualified family lawyer can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the custody process.


When it comes to something as important as custody, it’s crucial to make informed and unbiased decisions. By understanding the psychology behind why people often make poor custody decisions, you can avoid these pitfalls and ensure that what’s best for your child is put front and centre. With the help of Best Family Lawyers Melbourne, you can navigate these difficult waters and come to a resolution that works for everyone involved.

The Melbourne Family attorneys at The Westminster Lawyers understand the process and want to make it as easy as possible for you and your family. Contact us for a consultation by clicking here or by calling 03-9670-1734.