3 Simple Ways to Increase the Efficiency of Your Wood Heater

Wood Heater

Wood heaters Melbourne are a great way to keep your home warm without resorting to fossil fuels. But if you have an older wood heater, it may be time for an upgrade. By insulating the pipes and installing new thermostatic controls, you can increase the efficiency of your old heater by up to 50 percent. Here’s how!

Insulate the pipes

You should insulate your pipes if you want to see an increase in the efficiency of your wood heater. There are two good ways to do this:

  • Wrap the pipes with fibreglass insulation and seal them up with tape. This can be done by a professional, but it’s also not too difficult if you’re willing to give it a go yourself (and save some money).
  • Installing a steel jacket around the pipe. This is more expensive than wrapping the pipe in fibreglass, but it’s generally easier for someone who isn’t well-versed in plumbing work or building projects.
  • In either case, try not to put too much insulation on; there should be just enough space between layers so that air can flow through without having trouble moving freely around its intended path within the heating system itself.

Wood Heaters

Choose a wood heater with thermostatic controls

The first thing to know about thermostats is that they can be used to control the temperature of a room, the temperature of the air in your ducts, and/or the temperature inside your wood heater. They’re often found packaged together with other equipment and wiring (like fans) or even installed for you by an electrician.

The second thing to know about thermistors is that they are not as “smart” as other types of sensors. A thermistor has no idea how much energy it was supposed to use—it only knows how much energy it did use!

This is because a thermistor only contains one type of material that changes its electrical resistance when it heats up or cools down. This can be useful in some situations, but not when you want to control the temperature of your home.

Insulate your home

To increase the efficiency of your Wood Heaters Melbourne, you can insulate your home. This will reduce heat loss and make sure that all the heat produced by your stove is kept inside. If you live in a cold climate region, an even better option is to install double glazing on windows.

You can also use heat-reflective paint on walls and ceilings to reflect back some of the escaping heat. Heat pumps are another way of heating your house; they use electricity from power lines or solar panels to take advantage of free hot air in the summer months when there’s no sun available for solar panels.

You can also install a wood-burning stove in your home. This is similar to an open fire but will heat your house more effectively as it uses modern technology.


It’s important to remember that as with any heating system, there are some things that can be done to increase efficiency and others that can be done to decrease efficiency. If you have any questions about your wood heater please comment us below.