Calluses And Corns: Your Feet Deserve More From You, Says The Podiatrist!

Podiatrist Melbourne

Corns and calluses are protective layers of skin that form on the soles of your feet if you have a lot of pressure and friction there. While they can be unsightly, they’re generally harmless.

It’s unfortunate that many people suffer from corns and calluses, but they’re a condition that your local Podiatrist Melbourne can easily treat. Let’s take a look at what these conditions are and how to identify them.

What is a Corn and Callus?

Corns and calluses are two different types of skin growths. A corn is a small, hard bump on the sole of your foot that may be red or white in color. It occurs when pressure is applied to your toes, usually from shoes that don’t fit properly or your feet being crowded against something hard like the heel of a shoe or desk chair. Common locations for corns include:

  • The ball of the foot where it meets the toes
  • The side wall between the big toe and second toe (where blisters occur)
  • The edges of your heels where they press into the back of shoes

    Podiatrist Melbourne

Causes and Symptoms

Corns and calluses are caused by friction and pressure. They’re often caused by a shoe that’s too small or ill-fitting, but this is not always the case. For example, runners may develop corns on their feet from running in shoes that don’t provide enough support for their feet.

Corns can be painful and uncomfortable to walk on; they can also be unsightly if they are large enough. Corns often lead to infection when they become infected with bacteria or fungus (although it’s rare).

So, if you have corns or calluses, you should refrain from the following procedures:

  • Never try to remove corns and calluses at home. After some time, the issue will return, and you can find yourself harming your foot or attacking healthy areas of your skin.
  • Never use sharp items to try to remove corns and calluses. Along with aggravating the situation owing to skin damage, this might result in wounds and infections.
  • Use no calicides in your home. These goods have acid in them, which when used, can harm healthy skin.
  • Avoid wearing shoes that are too tight or that have too much friction on your feet.

Although there are many suggestions for DIY methods to remove corns and calluses, it is crucial that you consult a Podiatrist Melbourne for any foot issues.

When to Visit a Podiatrist?

If you have any of the following symptoms or conditions, a podiatrist may be able to help:

  • Pain or discomfort in your foot
  • A corn or callus that causes pain
  • You are unable to treat yourself with over-the-counter medications
  • Diabetes and poor circulation
  • Other medical conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, or diabetes


It’s not just about the cosmetics. Your feet deserve better! When you have corns, calluses, and other foot problems, it’s time to see a Podiatrist Melbourne. If you feel like your feet are getting worse or don’t know what else could be causing them so much pain, make an appointment with one today.